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Can you have dental implants with gum disease

Reclaim Your Smile: Dental Implants in Leicester Offer Hope for Gum Disease Sufferers

An insight and guide into whether you can have dental implants if you have gum disease.

Reclaim Your Smile: Dental Implants in Leicester Offer Hope for Gum Disease Sufferers

Have you been told dental implants are out of reach because of gum disease? At Care Dental in Leicester, we’re proud to offer a beacon of hope: advanced dental implant techniques that can transform the lives of even those with severe gum issues. Led by our highly skilled implant surgeon, Dr Amit Kotecha, we can help you reclaim a beautiful smile and healthy teeth – often in just one life-changing day.

Can you have dental implants with gum disease

The burden of gum disease:

Living with gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can be incredibly disheartening. Loose or missing teeth, constant pain, and the struggle with dentures all take a toll on your confidence and quality of life. Many people resign themselves to these problems, believing implants are impossible due to their gum health. But it’s time to dispel that myth.

Why you shouldn’t give up on dental implants:

Dr Kotecha understands the impact of gum disease and is passionate about helping patients overcome it. He emphasises that gum disease, even in advanced stages, does not automatically disqualify you from implants. Our innovative “Teeth in a Day” technique is specifically designed to address these challenges and provide a lasting solution for patients with:

  • Untreated gum disease: We carefully manage gum health throughout the implant process, ensuring optimal conditions for success.
  • Significant bone loss: Our advanced techniques often avoid the need for bone grafts, maximising the use of existing bone for implant placement.
  • Loose or missing teeth: Teeth in a Day replaces teeth and restores function in a single procedure, eliminating the need for dentures.

Beyond aesthetics: the health benefits of dental implants:

Dental implants offer more than just a beautiful smile. They:

  • Halt and reverse gum disease: Implants eliminate the root cause of gum infection, promoting long-term gum health.
  • Prevent further bone loss: Implants stimulate bone growth, maintaining facial structure and preventing collapse.
  • Improve overall health: Studies link gum disease to various health problems, and implants can reduce these risks.
Can you have dental implants with gum disease

Why choose Care Dental for your dental implants in Leicester?

Dr Kotecha has over 20 years of experience and a proven track record of success in placing implants, even in complex cases. We offer:

  • A personalised approach: We assess your unique needs and develop a treatment plan tailored to your goals.
  • Cutting-edge technology: We utilise the latest advancements in implant dentistry for optimal results.
  • A compassionate team: Our friendly and supportive staff prioritises your comfort and well-being throughout the process.

Don’t let gum disease dim your smile any longer. Schedule a free consultation with Dr Kotecha at Care Dental today and discover how dental implants in Leicester can transform your life. Remember, a brighter, healthier smile is within reach, even with gum disease.

Contact us today and take the first step towards a confident you!

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