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Dental Implants In Leicester

Dental Implants In Leicester. You can view our stunning case studies which provide a great deal of insight into our dental implant service.

Dental Implants

At Care Dental, we have improved our customer journey year after year through experience. That’s why we now offer weekend and evening appointments, have Netflix in all surgeries for nervous patients and offer competitive finance rates to allow patients to spread the cost. 

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Dental Implants in Leicester vs Dentures

Stops jaw bone loss and stimulates the bone

Dental Implants


Improves your facial structure

Allows you to enjoy the foods you love

Improves self confidence

Provide you with fixed & permanent teeth

Don't need replacing every 5-8 years

If you've arrived here, you're most likely:

Avoiding the foods you love? 🥩
Losing self-confidence? 🥺
Hiding your smile 🖐️
Tired of putting dentures in a glass? 🥃
Loose or missing teeth getting you down? 😞
Dental Implants In Leicester

Frequently Asked Dental Implant Questions

If properly cared for, as you would with real teeth, dental implants can last a lifetime. 

Dental implants are effectively your new set of teeth, so they should be looked after in the same way. Brushing, flossing, rinsing with mouthwash and regular visits to the dentist will keep your teeth and mouth healthy.

No, but there may be slight discomfort and swelling the week after the surgery.

Every single case is slightly different and so every treatment plan might vary in cost to a certain degree. After your consultation, an estimate of cost will be produced for the proposed treatment and for any alternatives that might be seriously considered. Your budget will help to guide the proposed treatment options where required. You can visit our practice for a FREE consultation regarding your dental implants in Leicester to get an accurate quotation.

The average success rate in the UK for dental implants is between 97-99% as per this study. After your dental implants procedure, the process for the implant to fuse with your jawbone can take a few months.

Why choose Care Dental?

Free consultations with an oral surgery specialist ☕️
Newly renovated practice 🔨
100% personal service
On-Site Parking 🚘
45+ Years Combined Experience
In-house lab technicians meaning fewer visits 🥼

Dental Implants In Leicester

The phrase 'Dental Implants' strikes fear and uncertainty into people's minds because it sounds so complex and medical. Think of it as a tooth replacement, which it is and you can begin to approach the procedure with more comfort. Here is the process, simplified. Of course, some procedures vary based on patient's circumstances, but more often than not, it goes as follows...

The dental implant process

Step One

Free Chat or Full Case Assessment

Visit our specialist practice to meet with one of our implatologists whom will educate you on the best options for you.

Step Two

Treatment Plan & Costings

After examination of the mouth and x-rays, our implant dentists will decide upon the type and number of implants required, their sizes, and their exact positions in your mouth. They may also fabricate an implant guide to ensure the best possible positioning of the implants in your mouth.

Step Three

Implant Placement

Placing implants in the mouth is a relatively painless procedure, and the majority of the implants are placed using a local anaesthetic.

Step Four

Implant Stabilisation Period

The dental implants need time to integrate with the bone before the final crown fitting. An interim replacement tooth can be provided so that you do not have a gap for this time. In most cases, crowns may be fitted within three months after placing the implants. In certain situations, it may be completed earlier or delayed for up to six months.

Step Five

Placing New Teeth

After the stabilisation period and the gums have healed, the final prosthetic teeth (crowns, bridges or denture) are placed onto the implants. Now it’s time to show off your new smile.

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    Dental Implants diagram

    What is a dental implant?

    Dental Implants in Leicester are the most innovative and naturally stable method for a permanent tooth replacement. If you are unfortunate to have lost a tooth, be it a single tooth or more, or you suffer from loose-fitting dentures, we can replace them permanently with implants.

    Many people prefer to go down the dental implant route rather than dentures due to their long-lasting nature, durability and low maintenance characteristics.

    Dental Implants diagram

    Benefits of dental implants?

    Discreet: Dental implants are carefully designed to match the shade, size and shape of your natural teeth. When done properly, it’s sometimes impossible to spot which one is the implanted tooth/teeth.

    Fixed and long-lasting: Implants can last up to 30 years as they are designed to be a permanent solution to missing teeth. Many of our patients are well within their 20-25 years and are still going strong.

    Prevents bone loss: Dental implants provide the same functionality as natural teeth, therefore stimulating the jaw and preventing bone loss, unlike dentures.

    — Care Dental Is The Home Of

    Unique Implant Training

    Every year, Care Dental Surgery host an Eduqual certified course for aspiring dentists to become qualified implant dentists. Unique Implant Training aims to train the Implant Surgeons of tomorrow to the highest standards possible. Within a nurtured and mentored environment, UIT provides continuous support to help train safe and confident implant surgeons. Our dentist’s Dr Amit Kotecha and Dr Savan Zala run lectures and practical sessions here at our very own Care Dental where dentists travel from all over the UK to learn from the very best.

    — An insight into our

    Teeth In A Day Treatment

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    0116 239 0983

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    Leicester Forest East, LE3 3LW.

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