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Caring for your dental implants

How to care for your dental implants at Care Dental Leicester

An insight and guide into how to properly care for your dental implants. 

How to care for your dental implants at Care Dental Leicester

At Care Dental Leicester, we understand that the longevity of your dental implants hinges on your commitment to good oral hygiene. By following proper care routines, you can save yourself time, money, and discomfort in the long run. Here’s what you need to know:

How to care for dental implants in Leicester

The secret to success: Preventing gum disease

The most significant threat to implanted teeth is gum disease (periodontitis). This bacterial infection weakens the bone supporting the implant, potentially leading to its loss. Thankfully, meticulous care can significantly reduce the risk.

Essential steps for healthy gums:

  1. Floss daily: Regular flossing reaches beneath the gum line, removing plaque buildup that brushing alone can’t tackle. Consider water flossers or interdental brushes for easier cleaning.
  2. Brush meticulously: Gentle, thorough brushing removes plaque from all tooth surfaces, including the base and back of the implanted tooth. Ask your dentist at Care Dental Leicester for personalised brushing techniques.
  3. Kick the smoking habit: Smoking weakens your immune system and increases gum disease risk. Quitting smoking significantly improves your implant’s longevity.
  4. See your dentist promptly: Don’t ignore bleeding gums, receding gums, or bad breath – these could be signs of gum disease requiring immediate treatment. Schedule regular checkups at Care Dental Leicester for early detection and intervention.

Protecting your crown from chips and cracks:

While high-quality crowns are resilient, they’re not invincible. Here’s how to minimise the risk of damage at Care Dental Leicester:

  1. Avoid hard, chewy, or crunchy foods: These can put excessive stress on your implants, especially older ones. Choose softer options or chew on the opposite side of your mouth.
  2. Minimise dental trauma: Wear a mouthguard during contact sports to protect your implants from accidental impact, especially in the front of your mouth. Ask your dentist at Care Dental Leicester about suitable mouthguards.
  3. Manage teeth grinding: This nighttime habit can wear down and damage teeth, including implants. Use a protective nightguard to prevent grinding and its consequences. Care Dental Leicester can help you find the right solution.

Extra care for new implants:

The initial healing period after implant placement requires special attention at Care Dental Leicester:

  1. Floss diligently around the implant: Use floss, water flossers, or interdental brushes to meticulously clean around the temporary tooth placed over the implant. Your dentist will provide specific instructions.
  2. Quit smoking completely: Avoid smoking altogether to prevent infection and support healing.
  3. Boost your immune system: Prioritise healthy eating, adequate sleep, and stress management to help your body heal optimally.
do's and don'ts of dental implants

Investing in dental implants at Care Dental Leicester is a decision that promises a future filled with confident smiles and delicious bites. But just like any investment, it requires care and attention to thrive. To help you maximise the lifespan and performance of your new teeth, let’s explore some key dos and don’ts for their upkeep:


  • Embrace the floss: Brushing is great, but flossing daily is essential for reaching hidden plaque and bacteria beneath the gum line, especially around implants. Consider water flossers or interdental brushes for an easier clean.
  • Brush meticulously: Gentle, thorough brushing twice a day removes plaque from all surfaces, including the back and base of your implant. Ask your friendly dentist at Care Dental Leicester for personalised brushing techniques to ensure you’re not missing a spot.
  • Kick the smoking habit: It’s no secret that smoking hinders healing and weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to gum disease, a major threat to implants. Quitting smoking is a gift to your overall health and your sparkling smile.
  • Befriend regular checkups: Schedule routine appointments at Care Dental Leicester for professional cleanings, early detection of any issues, and expert guidance on maintaining your implant’s health.
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: Water is your body’s best friend, and that includes your oral health. Staying hydrated helps produce saliva, a natural defence against bacteria and plaque buildup.


  • Neglect flossing: Skipping flossing is like leaving the back door open for gum disease, the arch-enemy of healthy implants. Remember, flossing daily is non-negotiable!
  • Brush harshly: While thorough cleaning is important, overzealous brushing can damage your implant and gums. Use gentle strokes and a soft-bristled brush as recommended by your dentist at Care Dental Leicester.
  • Indulge in crunchy foes: Excessive consumption of hard, chewy, or crunchy foods can put undue stress on your implants, especially older ones. Opt for softer alternatives or enjoy these treats sparingly.
  • Forget the mouthguard: If you’re a sports enthusiast, wearing a mouthguard during activities with the potential for impact is crucial to protect your precious implants from accidental damage. Ask your dentist at Care Dental Leicester about finding the right fit.
  • Ignore warning signs: Bleeding gums, receding gums, or persistent bad breath could be signs of gum disease. Don’t wait – schedule an appointment at Care Dental Leicester for prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Bonus Tip: Consider using a nightguard if you grind your teeth, as this habit can wear down and damage even the sturdiest implants. Your dentist at Care Dental Leicester can advise you on the best solution.

Caring for your dental implants

How long will your implants last?

With proper care, dental implants in Leicester from Care Dental Leicester can last a lifetime. We have patients that had their dental implants since 1998 that are still working as they should today. The key factors are the quality of the implant and your commitment to proper maintenance. Remember, consistent oral hygiene is essential for enjoying your beautiful smile for years to come. Schedule regular consultations at Care Dental Leicester to ensure your implants thrive!

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